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Food Pantry

One way Trinity serves the surrounding community is through the Food Pantry, a program where we collect non-perishable foods for individuals and families in our community who do not have enough to eat.

Hours for Pickup

Monday - Thursday 9:00am to 12:30pm

ID is required and you can pick up groceries every 3 weeks. 

Horario para reparto de comida

Lunes - Jueves 9:00 am - 12:30 pm

Se requiere identificación y puede recoger alimentos cada 3 semanas.

Email the church office or call 973-366-2821 with questions. 

How You Can Help
  • To donate financially click here or mail a check to Trinity Lutheran Church, 123 E. Blackwell Street, Dover, NJ 07801 and put "food pantry" in the memo. 

  • Food can be dropped off at 123 E. Blackwell Street, Dover, NJ between the hours of 9:15-11:15, Monday through Thursday. If you cannot make it during that time, please call the church office to make an appointment. No weekend deliveries

  • Please only donate food that is non-perishable and has not expired. 

  • If your group is planning a food drive, please make arrangements in advance for delivery so we have people available to help. 

Currently Needed:


2lb bags of white rice

1lb bags of black or red dried beans

Pasta Sauce

Pasta Meals (i.e. Spaghetti-O's, Chef Boyardee)

Canned fruits (i.e. pineapple, oranges, pears, peaches)

Canned meats (i.e. chicken, vienna sausages)

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