Meet the Music Team
My first encounter with hearing live organized music was in the Greek Orthodox Church at my baptism. My first memory of organ music was at the Presbyterian Church in Mine Hill where I attended with my aunt and cousin. To this day I still remember the sound of the pipe organ playing. I was hooked!
Piano lessons followed and I have been involved with music ever since. During my years at Dover High School I was named the accompanist for the Dover school choirs, became the first student from the high school to be named accompanist for the Regional Choir of New Jersey and during my senior year at school I worked as the church musician for Mine Hill Presbyterian Church. By this time I knew in my heart I had to follow my passion for music and I was accepted as a music education candidate at Wilkes College in Wilkes-Barre, PA. At Wilkes I studied with; Anne Vanko Liva, Richard Chapline, Richard Probert and Clifford Balshaw, receiving a BS in Music Education from Wilkes College in 1972.
Upon graduation, I began my teaching career in the Music Department of the Dover Public Schools and returned to Mine Hill Presbyterian Church, where I served as choir director and organist. Other accomplishments included being named an accompanist for the Royal Academy School of Ballet, and the first accompanist for the American Music Abroad (AMA) Program. This began my career playing abroad. In 1991 I was named the “Piano Instructor of The Year” by the Music Foundation for the Visually Handicapped (MFVH). One of my most memorable experiences took place on a trip to Oberammagau in July 2000, where I had the honor of playing the organ for a service at the Oberammagau Lutheran church. That moving service was something I will never forget. Over the years I have served as organist/choir director for many area churches, including Trinity Lutheran Church from 1976 to 1982, at one time directing five Trinity choirs. In 2014 I returned to Trinity as organist, where I continue my musical passion and playing to the glory of God.
Kevin has been a life long member of Trinity. In 2001 after graduating from Salisbury University in MD with a bachelor’s in business administration and a minor in music he became the choir director and has served in the position for most of that time since. Kevin, a Baritone has studied voice with Doug Beavers, Jennette Hile of Seton Hall University, organ with Taylor Harvey and conducting with Dr. Lorraine Lynch and Dr. Michael Weber. Kevin founded Trinity’s Praise Band Seeds of Grace in the early 2000’s and worked to establish Trinity’s Choral Scholar program.